COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 Response
There are many resources circulating to support homeless service providers and systems respond to COVID-19. The following is a regularly-updated collection of key resources, emerging and recommended practices, and templates. It contains both memos and guides created by Homebase, and a Homebase curated set of resources from over 900 sources.
The guide is not meant to be exhaustive but instead focuses on essential materials most useful to those working to prevent the spread of COVID-19, protect the safety of staff and people experiencing homelessness, and prevent people from becoming homeless as a result of the outbreak.
Got questions or see something missing? Please let us know.
This section contains memos and guides created by Homebase combining the best information from multiple sources on a single topic.
This section contains our curated COVID-19 resource guide, updated twice daily, pulling together the most useful materials in supporting communities addressing homelessness during the pandemic.
Homebase Memos and Guides
Curated COVID-19 Resources
Homebase continues to update our curated Online Resource Guide twice daily, with the COVID-19 resources most useful in supporting communities addressing homelessness during the pandemic. We have reviewed over 300 resources so far and you can find our top picks here at the links below.