Nicole McCray-Dickerson
Directing Analyst
As a Directing Analyst at Homebase, Nicole provides solution-oriented technical assistance focused on implementing solutions to end homelessness and foster thriving, inclusive communities. Prior to joining Homebase, Nicole was recruited to the newly formed SF Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing Department in 2016, where she helped coordinate the nationally recognized Moving-On-Initiative Program. Nicole also worked for the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA) and during her tenure oversaw the Housing Choice Voucher and Waitlist Departments as well as assisted with the coordination of HOPE VI temporary relocation efforts during the redevelopment of several family public housing developments. Lastly, she was on the SFHA team that helped pave the way for the conversion of public housing units to HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program which led to the rehabilitation of approximately 4,000 units city-wide.
Nicole is a proud 2nd generation San Franciscan who loves Bay Area sports, most especially the Golden State Warriors. Go Dubs!!!
Contact Info
City College of San Francisco
Howard University
Licenses / Certifications
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